Eleven Somersfield students achieved the IB Diploma

Somersfield Academy announced that all 11 students who received the full International Baccalaureate degree [IB] Diploma Have successfully achieved their diploma this year.

The spokesperson said, “The school is the only one in Bermuda to offer the Middle Years IB Programme, with 100% of students achieving passing results. This is a significant achievement for our small group, with many students achieving grades above their predicted marks.

“Somersfield’s 2024 DP2 class comprised 13 students, 11 of whom were enrolled in the full IB Diploma Programme, while 2 students studied the individual IB curriculum. This year’s results highlight the hard work and resilience of our students, who faced the challenges of this rigorous programme with determination and focus.

Front Row LR: Saraya Hart, Oscar Davis, Anaya Curtis, Emma DeCouto, Naomi Avery Middle Row LR: Jasmine Haselkus, Satya Darrell, Desmond Crockwell, Rhea Simmonds Back Row LR: Peter Strachan, Enrique Mendes, Caden Millett, Cameron Simmons

Bryce Purcell [MYP Coordinator] said: “The 2023-4 MYP e-assessment session for externally moderated IB results and programme certification proved very strong this year. With 100% of eligible M5 students receiving their IB-MYP certificates there is certainly reason to celebrate! Overall individual mark totals and subject averages across 270 IB schools [in 72 countries] This too proved to be extremely competitive, reflecting successful class preparation and performance in the M5. Congratulations to all!’

Anne-Laure Bazin [DP Coordinator] said: “I am extremely proud of our students, who have achieved a 100% pass rate across the full IB Diploma. Their success reflects their dedication to academic excellence and personal development over the past two years. I would also like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of our DP teaching and support staff, whose dedication has been vital in supporting our students through this challenging course of study.”

Charlie Judd [Head of Secondary] said: “These results reflect the hard work and resilience our students have shown throughout their time on the IB Diploma Programme. It has been inspiring to watch them grow academically and personally, and I am confident they are well prepared for any challenges that lie ahead. I would like to thank our teachers and support staff for their exceptional efforts in leading our students to success.”

The spokesperson added, “The students will move on to their next step with a solid foundation, and we wish them all the best in their future academic and professional endeavours. For more information about the IB Continuum in Bermuda or to schedule a tour of Somersfield Academy, please contact Head of Admissions Alison Kempe at alisonkempe@somersfield.bm or 239-3345.”

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